Market Watch: Porsche Carrera 2.7s in market price correction

Price drops range from 3.2% to 9.1%, depending on model.

Porsche 911 RS2.7 MFI

by Classic Cars |
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The decline is being seen across both sides of the pre-impact bumper/impact bumper divide.

Hardest hit is the 1972-73 RS Touring, the slightly more luxuriously equipped and heavier car built in greater numbers (nearly 1400), but still a thrilling and pure drive compared to almost any rival. They’ve dropped more than 9% since our last update, bringing the price range from bad to faultless examples down to £210k to £450k. For those of us who remember when they were £20-30k, that still sounds a lot.

By comparison the RS Lightweight homologation special – the sort of car you might drive to work all week, race at the weekend and still find fit for work on Monday – has got off lightly with a 3.3% decline. For now they’re sitting at £400k to £725k.

The impact bumper Carrera 2.7 that followed – often referred to as RS2.7 MFI after its mechanical fuel injection – has long represented the relative bargain route to sharing the 2.7 Carrera halo, and they too have slipped 3.3%, bringing prices to £55k to £145k. Well, I said relative bargain.

Five years ago the RS Lightweight was typically £400k to £750k, the Touring £250k to £495k and the 2.7 MFI £55k to £150k, so the decline since the heady days in the middle of the decade haven’t been severe.

It underlines the fact that cars that are hugely rewarding to own and drive, regardless of their financial performance will always do the best job of riding the market.

Price Guide Movers On The Slide is part of 16 pages of buying tips, market analysis and buying advice in the latest issue ofClassic Cars****__.

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